The 2014 Midwest Soil Improvement Symposium: Research and Practical Insights into Using Gypsum was packed with impactful information from leading agricultural experts. It was held August 13, 2014 at the Kansas State Alumni Center in Manhattan, Kansas, and was sponsored by GYPSOIL® brand gypsum and the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association.
Attendees learned about the use of gypsum to add valuable nutrients to agricultural soils, improve soil structure, reduce nutrient runoff and bring significant economic returns to crop operations. The symposium also included panel discussions with experienced gypsum users, plus a live demo of spreader set-up and application tips.
The lineup included the following presentations. Click on the presentation titles to view PDF files of each speaker’s presentation.
- Dr. Warren Dick, Soil Scientist and Professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University, History of gypsum use and research on gypsum's impact on crop performance;
- Dr. Darrell Norton, Research Soil Scientist, (retired) USDA-ARS, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory and Adjunct Professor, Purdue University, Gypsum’s impact on soil structure and the environment;
- Joe Nester, Owner, Nester Ag, Bryan, Ohio, Practical use of gypsum for crop production;
- Dr. Leo Espinoza, Associate Professor, Soil Science, University of Arkansas, Impact of gypsum on crusting, seedling emergence and aluminum toxicity;
- Special guests Jackie McClaskey, Kansas Agricultural Secretary and Tracy Streeter, Kansas Water Office Director, Vision for the future of water in Kansas;
- Jared Morrison, Environmental Manager of Water and Waste Programs, Westar Energy, How gypsum is made and how we know it is safe;
- Dr. DeAnn Presley, Associate Professor, Environmental Soil Science and Management, Kansas State University, Kansas gypsum trial update;
- Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz, Associate Professor, Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management, Kansas State University, Gypsum as a sulfur fertility option and tool to amend sodic soils;
- Dr. Marv Batte, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University, Economic impact of gypsum in agriculture;
- Ron Chamberlain, Lead Agronomist for GYPSOIL/BRM, Research update and practical use recommendations and results;
- Cory Schurman, National Sales Manager for GYPSOIL/BRM, Kansas grower panel discussion with Jim Kesler, Sabetha; Doug Armstrong, Atchison; and Vance Beebe, Colony
Video Access:
To access the speaker videos and presentation slides, visit the K-State Research and Extension site. The symposium videos are separated by presenter.
Radio Acess:
To listen to presentations of speakers on KFRM radio, visit KFRM "The Voice of the Plains".
Press Release:
You can also review highlights of the event in this press release.
Have additional questions? Contact Karen Bernick at 563-320-2625.